Saturday, November 19, 2011

My first question! Nitrous & Compression Ratio

Alright! I must first say much love to the first question asker, you are awesome (and you know who you are!)

Now, the question is "Will running nitrous at 5 pound wet boost, change my compression ratio of my engine?"

To start out on the right foot, I must admit that Nitrous boosting is not something I'm extremely familiar with, so please do correct me if you think I could have provided a better answer. I sought some help from a few mechanics who know this topic better than I do, and the short answers is NO, using nitrous (wet or dry) will not change your compression ratio.

While it seems logical that nitrous would change your compression because it changes the speed at which your cylinders hit the "boom" (combustion) cycle, it does not effect compression at all. What it does, is to make better use of the compression you have, instead of changing it.

Nitrous does effect your timing though, and it has been suggested that you should retard your timing a few degrees depending on how much pressure your exerting during a boost.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your response, & cool new service. I really like performance modifications & auto mechanics, & the Nitrous question I had know idea about.( so in short it say's it increases cylinder pressure, but does not change the ratio) wiki had whats below:

    "As with all modifications to increase power, the use of nitrous oxide carries with it concerns about the reliability and longevity of an engine. Due to the greatly increased cylinder pressures, the engine as a whole is placed under greater stress, especially the parts involved with the combustion chamber. An engine with components not able to cope with the increased stress imposed by the use of nitrous systems can experience major engine damage, such as cracked or destroyed pistons, connecting rods, or crankshafts."
